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Transform Your Business With Our Total Executive Workshop Series

Our mission is simple… to Empower entrepreneurs to get back to what you love doing and create effective solutions to un-trap you from the rest of the operations. Total Executive offers:

You took your skill set and created something out of nothing. You achieved a level of success that you should be proud of but that success hasn’t been all you thought it would be.

The fact is you feel trapped, like you painted yourself into a corner. Every day you feel more and more like an employee and less like the entrepreneur you are. Being the CEO of your business has become a chore instead of the pleasure it once was.

There is no question that you’re good at what you do but even the most effective CEOs aren’t experts at everything. You need the right people in the right positions to take your business to the next level. At the Total CEO our mission is to help you get back to what you love and gain the confidence to extract yourself from the operational activities of your business and reclaim your time. We accomplish this through our two highly specialized workshops.

No matter how good you are at what you do you can’t do it alone. Your job as CEO is to lead a team that will take your vision for the company, expand on it, nurture it and grow it.

The Total Executive workshop focuses on:

  • Cultivating a positive company culture
  • Enhancing your mindset as CEO
  • Teaching you how to hire a top level team

Being in charge doesn’t mean being in control. Having the right team in place helps you focus on the reasons you started your business in the first place.

The Total Team workshop will help your team:

  • Implement your vision
  • Execute your strategy
  • Grow your business